The Santa Clara Business Law Chronicle is committed to publishing scholarly research, analysis, and articles breaking down the developments within the legal and business communities. SCBC welcomes submissions and contributions from any and all members of the business and legal fields, including students, practitioners, academics, lawmakers, and regulators.
We are currently soliciting submissions for our October and November issues.
How to Submit:
Where to Submit:
Topic Areas:
We accept articles concerning Art Law, Corporate & Securities, Emerging Companies/Venture Capital, Litigation, Sports & Entertainment, and Public Interest, Regulatory, and Government, as well as Technology.
Length Limitation:
Articles typically published by the Santa Clara Business Law Chronicle range from one to three pages including citations.
Once submitted, SCBC editors will help ensure citations are up to standards of the SCBC, but for the time being, please use in-text hyperlinks.
Review Process:
The SCBC carefully reviews all submissions and contributions received and will notify authors when decisions are made available via email. Submissions are reviewed and published on a rolling basis. If you have any requests or modifications, please request this at the time of submission.
We appreciate your interest in publishing with us and look forward to reading your submissions soon!